

1. Star Wars - A Brief Introduction

电影或故事始于内战,在一个遥远的银河系中进行。叛军和叛军领导人与强大的暴君达斯·维达(Darth Vader)和他的军队作战。叛军领导人莱娅公主在她的斗争中偷走了帝国蓝图,这是致命武器的秘密。此外,她还设法偷了一个名为“死亡之星”的空间站。一段时间后,帝国军队占领了叛乱公主。尽管如此,公主仍然足够聪明,可以在R2-D2机器人的记忆中密封秘密,后者用另一个机器人逃到了塔图因星球上。

Later, those droids were sold to farmers by the Jawa traders. Luke Skywalker, whose duty was to clean up the droids and make them work on the farm. The message of Princess Leia. Luke and the droid give a letter to the former Jedi knight, who used to maintain peace in the galaxy. The Jedi knight had a power called Force. The journey begins with finding Princess Leia and giving justice to her and her people.

Star Wars Family Treee

What Makes Star Wars Popular?

All the Star Wars films and series are so popular because it's a giant collection of a universe and its vast objects, along with so many different characters and groups who have different powers and dare to fight the opposition. It includes so many niches as well. It's a love story, an adventure movie, an action movie, science-fiction, and fantasy. Its themes are thought-provoking and touch on philosophy, religion, and myth. There is a little bit of everything in these movies.

After the first release in 1977, people fell in love with the movie; the toy-makers started making toys related to the star wars. Millions of comic books were published after the first release throughout the whole globe. The video games industry started developing video games on star wars; they include more unique challenges. These reasons made the film still so famous.

剧透警告: Spoilers are also included in multiple places in this article.

2. Collections of Star Wars Family Trees

如果您是《星球大战》的死心者,那么本节将为您带来很多乐趣,因为在本节中,我们将讨论所有的倍数family trees《星球大战》所示。下面的图表是整个family tree of the star wars, but for the ease of our readers, we have divided the section into two parts: the skywalker family tree and the Palpatine family tree chart.

Skywalker Family Tree

The first member of the Skywalker family was Shmi Skywalker. The family was a force-sensitive human bloodline. The family took an active part in Old and New Jedi orders and the Ranks of Sith Lords. The family used to take an active role in astronomical and galactic affairs. As we can see, Anakin Skywalker was the son of Shmi Skywalker, and he was raised on the planet Tatooine. The will conceived Anakin of the Force. Anakin then married Padme Amidala, and they had twins called Luke and Leia. Anakin later fell into the dark side of the Force and transformed into Darth Vader. Luke was raised on planet Tatooine by his uncle and aunt, Owen and Beru Lars, while Leia was raised by Bail and Breha Organa on the planet Alderaan.

Skywalker Family Tree

Palpatine Family Tree

The Palpatine family, or House Palpatine, belonged to society's noblest and most prestigious part. The family was noble in the eyes of the people of planet Naboo. The family's ancestral home was the Convergence in the Lake Country. Sheev Palpatine was born in the Palpatine family as a dark human lord of the Sith. Sheev Palpatine was raised in the capital city of Naboo with the most prestigious politicians on the planet. Sheev's learning with politicians made him a great politician. Sheev Palpatine later had two children, Snoke and Rey's father. According to the chart below, Rey's father married Ray's mother and gave birth to Rey.

Palpatine Family Tree


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