Network Diagram Symbols and Icons

Visual representation is always better and easy to understand compared to plain text. Using graphics to explain something makes it clear and creative. A network diagram uses Network Symbols to showcase various network components and make it interactive for the reader. Learn more about network diagrams and how it helps with project management in this article.


Thenetwork diagramrepresents devices, components of a network and their interrelation. It usesnetwork diagram symbols使一切易于理解。如您所知,描绘计算机连接的过程会变得更加复杂,并且几乎不可能代表电信网络。


2. Basic Network Diagram Symbols

网络图说明了网络的所有组件。它在网络中展示了信息流。它用network symbolsto represent communication between various devices and ongoing processes. It also includes many other elements like network segments, traffic flow and routing protocols to make things clear.

Please take a look below to learn and understand the basic network diagram symbols and their uses.

Basic Network Diagram Symbols

Wireless access point symbol:一个带有天线的盒子代表无线接入点符号。它显示了无线网络与有线网络的连接。

Ethernet symbol: Ethernet symbol depicts as three boxes linking to a single line. It represents an ethernet connection between devices. It shows software layers on the basics of IEE 802 standards.

结束节点图标: The end node serves as an indication for a specific component within a network. That component has its functions in the network.

通用逻辑收集图标: It is used to depict a generic logical collection between devices in a network.

位置图标: It functions as a pointer to locate a geographical location in the network.

Region icon:一个区域图标指向网络图的特定地理区域。

Probe icon: It represents the network analyzer to probe and monitor the network traffic to locate any slow-down in the network traffic.

RAN router icon: Radio area network or RAN router icon depicts a device used as a radio area network router which contains three parts, RRU, BBU and an antenna.

RAN switch icon:RAN开关图标表示网络图中的无线电区域网络交换设备。

转变: The Switch icon depicts the devices used for package switching to connect two devices by creating traffic.



File Server:一个文件服务器图标描绘了与LAN网络共同连接的设备共享文件的计算机。

Communication server: The communication server icon represents a system platform that runs communication applications in the network.

数据库: A database icon represents the shared storage between all devices in a network connection.

Mainframe: This icon depicts a high-performance computer or a mainframe device used to perform a function that needs better security, availability and higher processing speed.

路由器: A router icon represents a router in a network. It is used as a switching device to route network and data to a specific address.

Subnet icon: The subnet icon portrays a subnetwork of a specific IP.


Cloud:云代表之间的分隔点network source and the responsibilities of the user.



You can use all devices, including mobile phones and laptops, to represent the medium of connection in your network diagram. There is a variety of device symbols in EdrawMax Online’s network diagram library. These are the commonly used device symbols for a network diagram.

Network Diagram Connectors and Devices Symbols

4. LDAP Symbols

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol or LDAP is an internet protocol used to authenticate services and create an open platform to communicate and share information from servers. Edraw max LDAP design helps create a plan for maintaining a network by using easy-to-understand visual representations of networks.

组织符号: It represents a social unit of people working towards the same goal. An organization comes with its internal structures where various members of the organization follow activities based on management.

局部符号: Locality depicts the dynamic range for connected devices. Devices in close vicinity can communicate with each other in a network.

Person symbol: The person symbol represents a legal or a biological entity in LDAP.

Group of names symbol:它代表LDAP中的动态或静态组。

DSA symbol: Directory system agent or DSA symbol represents the portion of directory service that users can access.

DMD symbol: DMD symbol or the directory management domains represents the domain that manages the directory data and communications.

Network Diagram LDAP Symbols

5. Databases Symbols



数据库符号: The database represents a structured collection of data in a network diagram. It is easy to access and modify data in the database.

Cloud database: Cloud database shape depicts the type of data that you can only access through a cloud platform.

数据库服务器: Database server shape represents a server that runs database applications and shares its services with other devices.

SQL拉伸数据库: It represents the database that can store data from a local SQL database to the Azure SQL database.

Distributed database: Distributed database shape represents collective databases distributed in the entire network.

Open-source database:它代表您免费访问的数据库,download and modify features.

Operational database:操作数据库代表您可以实时修改和访问数据的数据库。

个人数据库: It represents the database that lets you retrieve large amounts of textual and numeric data.


End-user database:它代表了一个共享数据库,最终用户可以使用该数据库来存储和访问数据,而无需集中于更高级别的操作。

Commercial database: Commercial database shape represents various databases only for commercial use.

Centralized database: It depicts a database that stores and maintains data at a single location.

NoSQL database: It represents the database that lets you store and access data without any tabular relation.

6. Event Status Symbols

The event status symbol represents status information about events in the network through the event viewer. It helps you locate any issues when an event is going on. It gives status reports and manages devices connected to the web. You can use specific colors and shapes to represent event status in the network diagram. The severity of issues picked up by the event viewer depends on the color of the icon that pops out.

Network Diagram Event Status Symbols

Red Icon:它是事件查看器中的默认图标之一。它代表网络图中的关键问题。

Orange Icon: It is a major issues icon that tells you that the problem should be fixed at once.

Yellow Icon: It represents minor issues in the network.

Blue Icon: Blue status icon notifies about issues that are easy to handle.

紫色图标: It represents issues that might come out as the event goes on.

Green Icon: It tells you that the event is clear and everything is working perfectly.


Event Icon: The event icon depicts as a circle bullet and tells you that no events are going on at the moment.

Unmanaged Components: It points out the devices with uncontrolled components.

Unmanaged Devices: It points out uncontrolled devices in the network.

7. Network Icons PDF

We have created a printablenetwork icons PDFfile that you can download and print if you want a quick reference. You can download the file by clicking on the image below.




1. Use a Professional Network Diagram Maker

Try to use a professional network diagram maker likebob222 。您要做的就是转到Edrawmax>库>网络图。在这里,您会找到各种网络符号和图标。

tips for using network diagram symbols


If you don't find your required symbol in EdrawMax, you can import it from the web or draw the symbol yourself. Here is a video to learn more. If the video doesn't play, please visit it atYouTube。


This concludes the basic information related toNetwork Symbols和网络图。如果需要有效的网络图,请使用合适的结构,符号和形状。尝试使事情更加透明,并避免使用相同的符号来表示不同的组件。bob体育佣金Edrawmax Online是一个很好的工具,因为它具有广泛的支持和广泛的功能,例如综合网络图符号库,网络图示例, export in multiple formats, and import of symbols and libraries. It is available for free online and desktop with maximum feature support.

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